Imagine (easy Version) Tab uke di John Lennon

6 Accordi usati nel brano: C, Em7, F, Am, D, G

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Album:  sconosciuto
Chiave: C, G, Am, EmAccordi
# C C        Em7 Em7           F F
# Imagine xxxxxxx xx xxxxxx
# C C Em7 Em7 F F
# It's xxxx if xxx try
# C C Em7 Em7 F F
# No xxxx below xx
# C C Em7 Em7 F F
# Above xx only xxx

# F F Am Am D D F F
# Imagine xxx the xxxxxx
# G G Em7 Em7
# Living xxx to-day You-hoo

# (Chorus)
# F F G G C C Em7 Em7
# You xxx say xxx a xxxxxxx
# F F G G C C Em7 Em7
# But xxx not xxx xxxx one
# F F G G C C Em7 Em7
# I xxxx someday xxxxxx join xx
# F F G G C C
# And xxx world xxxx live xx one

# C C Em7 Em7 F F
# Imagine xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx
# C C Em7 Em7 F F
# It xxxxx hard xx do
# C C Em7 Em7 F F
# Nothing xx kill xx xxx for
# C C Em7 Em7 F F
# And xx religion xxx

# F F Am Am D D F F
# Imagine xxx the xxxxxx
# G G Em7 Em7
# Living xxxx for xxxxx

# (Chorus)
# F F G G C C Em7 Em7
# You xxx say xxx a xxxxxxx
# F F G G C C Em7 Em7
# But xxx not xxx xxxx one
# F F G G C C Em7 Em7
# I xxxx someday xxxxxx join xx
# F F G G C C
# And xxx world xxxx live xx one

# C C Em7 Em7 F F
# Imagine xx possessions
# C C Em7 Em7 F F
# I xxxxxx if xxx can
# C C Em7 Em7 F F
# No xxxx for xxxxx xx xxxxxx
# C C Em7 Em7 F F
# A xxxxxxxxxxx xx man

# F F Am Am D D F F
# Imagine xxx the xxxxxx
# G G Em7 Em7
# Sharing xxx the xxxxx

# (Chorus)
# F F G G C C Em7 Em7
# You xxx say xxx a xxxxxxx
# F F G G C C Em7 Em7
# But xxx not xxx xxxx one
# F F G G C C Em7 Em7
# I xxxx someday xxxxxx join xx
# F F G G C C
# And xxx world xxxx live xx one

Tab uke di , 05 mar 2011

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This sounds really good! Thank you!!!
05 Feb 2012
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nice shit bro
06 Mar 2011

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