3 Accordi usati nel brano: C, G, F
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* means single strumC
i shaved my head and learned to love myselfG
i did some good for my mental healthF
i drink a cup of coffee every dayG
i broke my arm but i could still playC
i started designing a new tattooG
i took a break to have a chat with youF
i put time aside, i put myself firstG
i made a cup of tea to quench my thirstF
i tried, i tried, i tried, i tried, i tried to let you knowF
that in this life, you’ve only gotF
one try, one try, one try, one try, one try
to get things rightC
so do what you love and write a zineG
about all of your fears and what they really meanF
or about all the things you wanna doG
and then carry it across the world with you x2F
i like, i like, i like, i like, i like
to kiss yr cheekF
and i’m not sure what tomorrow brings
but i’m sure it’ll beF
the best day of my life up to this pointC
cause every day i get to talk to you andG
share a thought or a bag of cashewsF
a bike ride home a movie night,G
a day in bed, a reckless night,C
a day with you is a day spent right,G
a day with you is a day spent right,F
a day with you is a day spent right,G
a day with you is the best day of my life
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