3 Accordi usati nel brano: A7, D7, E7
Vota la canzone!
Guarda questi accordi per il Baritono
Trasponi accordi:
I got ketchup on my blue jeans
I just burnt my hand
Lord its hard to be a bachelor manD7
I got girls that can cook
I got girls that can clean
I got girls that'll do anything in betweenE7
I gotta get ready, make everything right
Cause all my rowdy friends are comin' over tonight
Do you wanna dance
Hey do ya wanna party
Hey honey this is ole Hank
Ready to get the thing started
We cooked a pig in the groundD7
Got some beer on iceA7
All my rowdy friends are coming over tonight.A7
Now my party pad is out in the woodsA7
Its a long long way from her to HollywoodA7
I got some natural queens out on the floorA7
And ole Miss Mississippi just walked through the door
I got a little whirlpool just made for ten
And honey you can jump out or you can jump in
You can do anything that you wanna doA7
But uh-uh don't you step on my cowboy boots
(Repeat CHORUS x2)
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Top Tabs e accordiby Hank Williams Jr, non perdere queste canzoni!
Info brano: All My Rowdy Friends
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