3 Accordi usati nel brano: G, D7, C
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Well in North Carolina way back in the hills
There lived by old pappy and he had him a still
He brewed white lightnin' till the sun went down
Then he filled him a jug and he passed it aroundD7
Mighty mighty pleasing my pappy's
Corn squeezings ooh white lightnin'
Well theG men T men revenuers too
Looking for the place where he made his brew
They were looking trying to book him but my
Pappy kept on cooking ooh white lighnin'
Well I asked my pappy what he called his brew
He said white lightnin' stead of mountain dew
I took one sip and right away I knew
Cause my eyes bugged out and my face turned blueD7
Lightnin' started flashing thunder started
Crashing ooh white lightnin'
repeat #2
Well a city slicker came and he said I'm tough
I think I wanna taste that powerful stuff
He took one sip and drank it right down
And I heard him a moaning as he hit the groundD7
Mighty mighty pleasing your pappy's
Corn squeezings ooh white lightnin'
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Top Tabs e accordiby George Jones, non perdere queste canzoni!
Info brano: White Lightning
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