6 Accordi usati nel brano: G, Em, C, D, Bm, Gm
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Katherine Kiss MeG
Katherine kiss me, slippy little lips will split me
Split me where your eye wont meet me yes i love you i mean id love to get to know youEm
Sometimes i say the stupid things i think i mean iC
sometimes i think the stupid things mmm oh and do you ever wonder how the boy feels
Katherine kiss me
Flick your cigarette then kiss me
Flick your eyes at mine so briefly
Your leather jacket lies in sticky pools of cider blackberry
You glance a ricochet from every alpha male behind me
Like marbles on a washing machine
I wonder
How the boy feels
Katherine kiss me
In the alleyway by Jakey's
Jack in the sodium light
Yes, I love you
I mean, I- I mean, I- need to love
And though your opened eyes stare
Bored upon the overflowing pipes above me
I don't mind
Because I never wonder
How the girl feels
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