8 Accordi usati nel brano: G, Em7, A, C, Dsus2, Em, A7sus4, Cadd9
Vota la canzone!
Guarda questi accordi per il Baritono
Trasponi accordi:
You shouldn't talk to your yourselfA
Well, I pictured somebody elseC
Someone that looks likeC
What I look likeG
Would you say that one of your dreamsA
Got in you and ripped out the seams?C
Thats what I'd sayC
Thats what I'd sayG
He was a sucker for your double-doseA
Motherfucker turned white as a ghostC
Don't you say hiC
Don't you say hiG
With a broken sink for a faceA
And a head that just takes up spaceC
He's not half rightC
He's not half rightDsus2
It's already half pastA7sus4
And it won't lastG
I was sticking up for my friendA
When there's nothing much to defendC
It's a lost fightC
It's a lost fightG
'Cause when I talk to you on the phoneA
Well, it's just like being aloneC
It's not half rightC
It's not half right
(Repeat the intro to end.)
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