4 Accordi usati nel brano: A, Gbm, D, E
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Guarda questi accordi per il Baritono
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I'm new at making chords, so for now i'll just post the chords used in the song for the chorus. I hope it helps!A
Your xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx you xxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxD
A xxxx xxxx xx, a xxxx xxxx xxA
And xxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxx xx xxxxxx' xx xxxx xxxxxxxxx, she xxxxx xx xx xxD
That xxxxx xxxxx xx xx me Yeah x xxxxGbm
That x'x x xxxxx xxx xxxD
Who xxxxx xxxx xxxx xx idiotA
But xxxx xx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx x good xxxx xxx xxxD
He xxx x xxxx xxxx xxxE
Choose xx xxxx x xxxx xxxx xx
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