In The End Tab uke di Charlotte Gainsbourg

8 Accordi usati nel brano: F#m, C#, A, B, D, Dm, C, E

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Tablature / Chords (Brano intero)

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Album:  sconosciuto
Chiave: sconosciutoAccordi
Intro: F#m F#m

Verse 1:

F#m F#m C# C# A A B B
Help me to see what it's all coming to
F#m F#m D D C# C#
Crumbs on the table and mud on these shoes
F#m F#m C# C# A A B B
Treading so long I can't see where we've been
F#m F#m D D C# C#
Tracks on the trail and nails digging in

Chorus 1:

A A Dm Dm C C E E F#m F#m
Who's to say it's all for the best in the end.....

Verse 2:

F#m F#m C# C# A A B B
Some hands will rob you and some hands will beg
F#m F#m D D C# C#
Some say they'll stay til the last dying day
F#m F#m C# C# A A B B
But if actions can't speak and words cannot do
F#m F#m D D C# C#
What ten thousand armies can't even fight through

Chorus 2:

A A Dm Dm C C E E F#m F#m
Who's to say it's all for the best in the end.....

(Instrumental break over verse chords)

Chorus 3:

A A Dm Dm C C E E F#m F#m
Who's to say it's all for the best in the end.....

Tab uke di , 27 gen 2025

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