3 Accordi usati nel brano: F, G, A
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Bow bow hee habe habedabe...F
Um, do that again, bow bow bow!F
hee habe habedabe...
Have you ever heard of a wish sandwich?A wish sandwich is the kind of a sandwich where you have two slices of bread and you, hee hee hee, wish you had some meat, bow bow bow
hee habe habedabe...
Ummm... the other day I had a ricochet biscuit.A ricochet biscuit is the kind of a biscuit that's supposed to bounce back off the wall into your mouth. If it don't bounce back... you go hungry! Bow bow bow!
hee habe habedabe...
Umm, umm, umm... the other day I had a cool water sandwich and a Sunday-go-to-meetin' bun, bow bow bowF
hee habe habedabe...
Hubadabe chupapa
Hee hee hee hee... What do you want for nothing? ... a rrrrrubber buiscuit?F
Bow bow hoe oe oe oehhh
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