Tab ukulele senza accordi.
Vota la canzone!
E---4--4---4--4-----4--4-----4--4------- repeat 4x for the intro
C-5-------3------1---------3------------ then all through the fist verse
u could also play an easier version of that part by lowering each fret # by 1
A-4---4-4---8-8---2-2-2-2-- )
E-2---4-4---6-6---2-2-2-2-- X3 )
C-------------------------- )
G-------------------------- )
A-4---4-4---8-8-8-8-4-4-4-4-- ) Chorus
E-2---4-4---6-6-6-6-4-4-4-4-- X1 )
C---------------------------- )
G---------------------------- )
For the 2nd verse use the chord progressionG,
ill post the bridge once i figure it out
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