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Guarda questi accordi per il Baritono
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# The scratchy beginning of the song is
not really playable in my opinion;
your Uku would need a longer neck to do so.
But the Intro is playable and sounds pretty good like this:
C -0-3--3-5--5--8-7-8-7-8-7-3-3-5-5
G -0-3--3-5--5--8-7-8-7-8-7-3-3-5-5
# h means "Hammer on", so at the beginning you just strumm once
and then hammer on with your finger on 3rd fret to make a tone.
s means "Slide", so you strumm at the 3rd fret and thren slide
with your finger down to 5th fret to that "biong!" :)
You can play it with your normal tuned Ukulele,
but I think it sounds better with "LowG", meaning
yourG is below your
C. It sounds a bit "darker" you
could say. At best it sounds with an e-ukulele of
corse, but with your normal traditional it should
be no problem. Its a easy song and god for
learning slides.
Its important with this song to not just let your
fingers sit still at the frets. Always after the
slides from 8 to 8 you should pull off your
finger a bit to mute the tone. And after this 8-7
slidepassage, d othe same right after playing
the first time 3rd fret and the first time 5th fret.
For the exact timing listen to the song.
If you need any more help, please contact
me via Ukulele Tabs or at [email protected]
Have fun!
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thx guys and jep, didn´t knew how to post the notes ... better. somehow its easier to tell somebody and not to write it. ^^"
01 Jan 2012

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