Somebody Kill Me Please Tab uke di Adam Sandler

2 Accordi usati nel brano: E, Asus2

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Tablature / Chords (Brano intero)

Font size: A- A A+

Album:  sconosciuto
Chiave: E, A, AmAccordi
# Great song from Adam Sandler, from the movie 
# and the musical "The Wedding Singer".
# I play the E E chord and Asus2 Asus2 a little differently.
# I play the E 4447 (bar the fourth fret 7 on
# the first string). And I play the Asus2 4445
# (bar the fourth fret, and 5 on the second string).
# I think it works easier that way.

# Quick stacatto strums for the
# verse and open it up for the chorus. Just look
# the video and follow Adam's strumming if you can't
# figure it out. Pleas rate! enjoy!

E E Asus2 Asus2
You don't know how much I need you
E E Asus2 Asus2
While you're near me I don't feel blue
E E Asus2 Asus2
And when we kissed I know you need me too
E E Asus2 Asus2
I can't believe I found a love that's so

pure and true

E E Asus2 Asus2
But it all was bullshit
E E Asus2 Asus2
It was a god damn joke
E E Asus2 Asus2
And when I think of you Linda
E E Asus2 Asus2
I hope you fucking choke

E E Asus2 Asus2
I hope that you're glad with what you've done to me
E E Asus2 Asus2
I lay in bed all day long feeling melancholy
E E Asus2 Asus2
You left me here all alone tears running constantly

E E Asus2 Asus2
Oh somebody kill me please
E E Asus2 Asus2
Somebody kill me please
I'm on my knees
Asus2 Asus2
Pretty pretty please
Kill me
E E Asus2 Asus2
I want to die
E E Asus2 Asus2 E E
Put a bullet in my head

Tab uke di , 18 nov 2011

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