Reprise ukulélé On the beach in Waikiki (Don ho)

On the beach in Waikiki, Don ho (Reprise au Ukulélé par kaos)

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G G Eb G Honi kaua wikiwiki' E7 A7 Sweet brown maiden said to me D7 As she gave me language lessons G Eb G On the beach at Waikiki G Eb G 'Honi kaua wikiwiki' E7 A7 She then said and smiled in glee D7 But she would not translate for me G Eb G On the beach at Waikiki G Eb G 'Honi kaua wikiwiki' E7 A7 She repeated playfully D7 Oh those lips were so inviting G Eb G On the beach at Waikiki G Eb G 'Honi kaua wikiwiki' E7 A7 She was surely teasing me D7 So I caught that maid and kissed her G Eb G On the beach at Waikiki G Eb G 'Honi kaua wikiwiki E7 A7 You have learned it perfectly D7 Don't forget what I have taught you' G Eb G On the beach at Waikiki

Reprise au Ukulélé par , 08 juil. 2022

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