Over The Garden Wall Tab por Ukulili

12 Acordes utilizados en la canción: Am, G, F, Dm, E7, Gm, Bb, A, Edim7, Bm, C#, D

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Tablature / Chords (Canción entera)

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Album:  desconocido
Key: desconocidoAcordes
Am Am              G G 
led through the mist

F F Dm Dm
by the milk-light of moon

Am Am E7 E7 Am Am E7 E7
all that is lost is revealed

Am Am G G
our long bygone burdens

Gm Gm E7 E7
mere echoes of the spring

F F Am Am Bb Bb E7 E7
but where have we come, and where shall we end

A A Edim7 Edim7
oh how the gentle wind

Bm Bm E7 E7
beckons through the leaves

A A C# C# Bm Bm Edim7 Edim7
as autumn colors fall

Bm Bm E7 E7
dancing in a swirl

A A Edim7 Edim7
of golden memories

Bm Bm E7 E7 A A D D Dm Dm
the loveliest lies of all

Tab por , 23 ago 2017

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gavtheman33 avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (Kill Devil Hills)
haha, i'm so sorry i left out the verse "if dreams can't come true, then why not pretend!!" apologies!!
23 Aug 2017

Acerca de esta canción: Over The Garden Wall

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