Gazing At Stars (short Version) Tab por UkeMarS

3 Acordes utilizados en la canción: G, E, A

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Tablature / Chords (Canción entera)

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Album:  desconocido
Key: desconocidoAcordes y tablaturas
Gazing At Stars

G|-------0----------0----------0----------0---| x2

Ju-st sitting here
Gaz-ing at stars
Try-ing to learn
Fro-m my scars

(The 1st word is sang by playing two notes,the 2nd word is sang by playing the third note and the last word is sang with the strum.)

--> Below i explain how i sing it in case i am misunderstood above.

Ju-st sitting here
0-3 2 strum, 0,3,2,strum

Gaz-ing at stars
0-3 2 G ,3,3,2,G

Try-ing to learn
0-3 2 strum, 0,3,2,strum

Fro-m my scars
0-3 2 G, 3,3,2,G

you can repeat as many times as you like and you can close with this:
E E string: 0,3
A A string: 3,0

Tab por , 02 sep 2016

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