Shine On Harvest Moon Tab por Nora Bayes And Jack Norworth

8 Acordes utilizados en la canción: Em, B7, G, A7, D, D7, E7, C

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Tablature / Chords (Canción simplificada)

Font size: A- A A+

Album:  desconocido
Key: EmAcordes
Em Em                    B7 B7                Em Em
The night was mighty dark so you could hardly see

G G B7 B7
Cause the moon refused to shine

Em Em B7 B7 Em Em
Couple sittin' underneath the willow tree

A7 A7 D D
For love, they pine

D D D7 D7
Little maid was mighty afraid of darkness

So she said, I think I'll go

A7 A7
Boy began to sigh, looked up at the sky

And told the moon his little tale of woe

E7 E7 A7 A7
Oh shine on, shine on harvest moon, up in the sky

D7 D7 G G
I ain't had no lovin' since January, February, June or July

E7 E7 A7 A7
Snow time ain't no time to sit outdoors and spoon

D7 D7 G G C C G G
So shine on, shine on harvest moon, for me and my gal

Tab por , 09 may 2012

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