2 Acordes utilizados en la canción: A, C

Ver esos acordes para el baritono
Transpose chords:
# Everyone learns the riff to this,
# but I wanted an acoustic uke
# version of the whole song.
# The best way to get the right
# rhythms is to listen to the original
# for the cues, although
# this version is a few steps up.
# Opening Riff/Chorus:
# [-0-0-0-x-x-5-5-5-3-3-3-x-x-0-0---]
[-2-2-2-x-x-2-2-2-0-0-0-x-x-10-10-] x4
# Verses:
# (Load up... guns, etc)
# Bridge (hello, hello...):
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"Smells Like Teen Spirit" (en espa