Red Diamond Tab por Malukah

6 Acordes utilizados en la canción: Dm, C, Bb, Am, F, Gm

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Tablature / Chords (Canción entera)

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Album:  desconocido
Key: F, DmAcordes
Dm Dm                C C                      Dm Dm
When Akatosh slew Lorkhan, He ripped his heart right out
Bb Bb Dm Dm C C Am Am
He hurled it across Tamriel, and the heart was heard to shout
Dm Dm F F
Red Diamond! Red Diamond!
C C Bb Bb
The heart and soul of men.
Dm Dm F F
Red Diamond! Red Diamond!
C C Dm Dm
Protect us till the end.
Dm Dm C C Dm Dm
The laughing hearts sprayed blood afar, A A gout on Cyrod fell,
Dm Dm F F Am Am C C
And like a dart shot to its mark, Down in an Ayleid Well.
Gm Gm Dm Dm C C Bb Bb
Magicka fused the Lorkhan Blood To crystal red and strong
Dm Dm C C Am Am
Then Wild Elves cut and polished it down To Chim-el Adabal.
Dm Dm F F
Red Diamond! Red Diamond!
C C Bb Bb
The heart and soul of men.
Dm Dm F F
Red Diamond! Red Diamond!
C C Dm Dm
Protect us till the end.
Bb Bb Dm Dm C C Bb Bb
When Elves lost Nirn to Men, Akatosh gave the stone
Gm Gm Dm Dm C C Am Am
To Saint Alesh in token of Her right to sit the throne.
Dm Dm F F
Red Diamond! Red Diamond!
C C Bb Bb
The heart and soul of men.
Dm Dm F F
Red Diamond! Red Diamond!
C C Dm Dm
Protect us till the end.

Tab por , 25 abr 2017

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