6 Acordes utilizados en la canción: Bm7, D, Em7, Dmaj7, Em, Dm7
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Transpose chords:
Intro: Bm7 D Em7
Bm7 Dmaj7 Em
The telegraph gave us hope
Bm7 Dmaj7 Em
Before was the silence and the panic it brought
Bm7 Dmaj7 Em
The sky was the blankest sheet
Bm7 Dm7 Em
We drew lines upon it so our thoughts could meet
Bm7 Dmaj7 Em
through cables black and cold
Bm7 Dmaj7 Em
we carry our intentions to bridge and bring home
Bm7 Dmaj7 Em
would it all be so clear
Bm7 Dm7 Em
if the lines were erased and the silence restored?
Boys of today write lines on walls
in the streets at night
in suburbs of cities with no name
is this destruction or just quiet protest
against loneliness
the cargo lies in our laps
they're weight is so heavy
and this is all we know
our message will need a ship
to travel across oceans
that can't otherwise be crossed
it undulates on the waves
and cautions the water so we can be safe
it undulates on the waves
then cautions the water so we can be safe
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Acerca de esta canción: My Ship Isn't Pretty
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