2 Acordes utilizados en la canción: Bb, Am

riff 1:
riff 2:
# strumming pattern:D DU UDU
# when it isBb, strum down once.
# use the strumming pattern for when it isAm
Intro:Bb riff 1
Am x2
Bb riff 1
Am riff 2
Bb riff 1
Am riff 2
Bb riff 1
Am x2
Bb riff 1
Am riff 2
Bb riff 1
Am x2
# (repeat)
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for riff 1 i do 10 5 2 on the A string, then for riff 2 i do 2 3 2 0 2 again on the A string. i also replace am with a gmaj7 but you don't have to do that, i just think it sounds nicer.
27 Oct 2019

It's the right notes and all but a bit confusing to understand for beginners. Overall nice, I appreciate Khai Dreams and lofi music a lot, it's nice to see someone making the tabs.
17 Jun 2018

Cuenta eliminada
According to copyright laws, you are not allowed to include strumming patterns on websites showing exactly how to play it. You can show the chords and pretty much everything else, it’s just the strumming pattern.
01 Jun 2018

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