The Potters Hand Tab por Hillsong

8 Acordes utilizados en la canción: G, D, C, Cm, Em, A, Am, F

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Tablature / Chords (Canción simplificada)

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Año:  2010
Key: desconocidoAcordes
G G               D D
Beautiful Lord, Wonderful Saviour
C C Cm Cm Em Em A A
I know for sure, all of my days are held in your hands, crafted
Am Am D D
into your perfect plan
G G D D C C Cm Cm
You gently call me into your presence guiding me by Your Holy Spirit
Em Em A A Am Am D D
Teach me dear Lord to live all of my life through Your eyes
Em Em D D
I'm captured by Your holy calling
C C Cm Cm Em Em
Set me apart, I know you're drawing me to yourself
A A Am Am D D
Lead me Lord I pray

G G D D Am Am Em Em
Take me, Mould me, use me, fill me
F F C C Am Am D D
I give my life to the Potter's hand
G G D D Am Am Em Em
Call me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me
F F C C Am Am D D
I give my life to the Potter's hand

Tab por , 03 sep 2012

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