Falling In Love (will Kill You) Tabulatur von Wrongchilde

7 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: D, F#m, G, Gm, Asus4, Bm, A

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2014
Key: DAkkorde
# Intro 
D D   F#m F#m  D D   F#m F#m  G G   Gm Gm  D D   Asus4 Asus4

# Verse 1
D D                                          F#m F#m
I'm okay but I went to see the doctor yesterday
To tell him how my heart it's going crazy
It feels like I got hit by a train, what is happening?
        G                       Gm                 D    Asus4              
He said "listen you fool you're falling in love again

# Chorus
Bm Bm               A A               F#m F#m               G G
Falling in love, falling in love, falling in love will kill you
Bm Bm               A A               F#m F#m               G G
Falling in love, falling in love, falling in love will kill you
Gm Gm
Love will kill you

# Verse 2
   D                                      F#m
I'm okay but I had to see the shrink again today
To tell her how my head is going crazy
But things get all mixed up inside my brain, so what is happening?
              G                      Gm                 D    Asus4             
And she said "shut up you fool you're falling in love again"

# Chorus
Bm Bm               A A               F#m F#m               G G
Falling in love, falling in love, falling in love will kill you
Bm Bm               A A               F#m F#m               G G
Falling in love, falling in love, falling in love will kill you
Gm Gm
Love will kill you

# Interlude
D D   F#m F#m  D D   F#m F#m  G G   Gm Gm  D D   Asus4 Asus4

# Chorus
Bm Bm               A A               F#m F#m               G G
Falling in love, falling in love, falling in love will kill you
Bm Bm               A A               F#m F#m               G G
Falling in love, falling in love, falling in love will kill you
Bm Bm          A A              F#m F#m          G G
I collapsed into your arms (it'll kill you)
Bm Bm          A A              F#m F#m          G G
I collapsed into your arms (it'll kill you)
Bm Bm                       A A
Falling in love, you're falling in love
F#m F#m                     G G             Gm Gm    D D
Falling in love, I collapsed into your arms

Tabulatur von , 18 Dez 2015

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