Overcompensate Tabulatur von Twenty One Pilots

6 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, D, Am, B7, Em, Cmaj7

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: EmAkkorde
C C D D Am Am B7 B7
C C D D Em Em
Em Em
(Diese kleine unheimliche Insel hat
mich zu einer Waffe gemacht)
Em Em
(Wir glauben beide—)
Em Em
(Cette petite île étrange a fait de
moi une arme)
Em Em
(Nous croyons tous les deux que nous
pouvons l'utiliser pour changer
l'élan de cette guerre)

Em Em
Welcome back to Trench
Em Em
Welcome back to Trench
Cmaj7 Cmaj7 D D Em Em
I created this world
B7 B7 C C
To feel some control
D D Am Am Em Em
Destroy it if I want
Em Em
So I sing, "sahlo folina"
Em Em
"Sahlo folina"
Em Em
(Wait, what? Wait, what?)
Em Em
(Wait, what? Wait, what?)

[Verse 1]
Em Em
Earned my stripes, three hundred
tracks in my Adidas track jacket

Bless your ear holes while you
react, acting
Em Em
Gobsmacked, don't hesitate to maybe
Em Em
I feel like I was just here, same
twitchin' in my eyes

Don't sleep on a boy who can fall
asleep twice

In the same night and won't hesitate
Em Em
To maybe overcompensate

C C D D Am Am B7 B7
I said I fly by the dangerous bend
symbol (Wait, what? Wait, what?)
C C D D Am Am
Mm, don't hesitate to maybe
B7 B7
C C D D Am Am
And then by the time I catch, in my
B7 B7
peripheral (Wait, what? Wait, what?)
C C D D Am Am
Mm, don't hesitate to maybe
B7 B7

[Verse 2]
Em Em
Where am I from? I was born right
here, just now

Originated right in front of your
Em Em
If you can't see, I am Clancy,
prodigal son

Done running, come up with Josh Dun

Wanted dead or alive
Em Em
So now you pick who you serve, you
bow to the masses

Get kicked to the curb for passin'
the classes
Em Em
Half empty, half full, save half of
your taxes

Then overtake your former self

C C D D Am Am B7 B7
I said I fly by the dangerous bend
symbol (Wait, what? Wait, what?)
C C D D Am Am
Mm, don't hesitate to maybe
B7 B7
C C D D Am Am
And then by the time I catch, in my
B7 B7
peripheral (Wait, what? Wait, what?)
C C D D Am Am
Mm, don't hesitate to maybe
B7 B7

Days feel like a perfect length
I don't need them any longer, but
for goodness sake
Do the years seem way too short for
my soul, corazón
Way too short for my soul, corazón
The days feel like a perfect length
I don't need them any longer, but
for goodness sake
Do the years seem way too short for
my soul, corazón
Way too short for my soul, corazón

Em Em
Earned my stripes, three hundred
tracks in my Adidas track jacket

Bless your ear holes while you
react, acting
Em Em
Gobsmacked don't hesitate

To maybe overcompensate

C C D D Am Am B7 B7
I said I fly by the dangerous bend
symbol (Wait, what? Wait, what?)
C C D D Am Am
Mm, don't hesitate to maybe
B7 B7
C C D D Am Am
And then by the time I catch, in my
B7 B7
peripheral (Wait, what? Wait, what?)
C C D D Am Am
Mm, don't hesitate to maybe
B7 B7

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kitchen_sink20 avatar
interesting. the chords are not easy to find in the song, but you made a quite great simple tab. thanks!
20 Mar 2024

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