0 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe:
Video accompaniment to this tablature:
A |--3--3--3-----0--0----]
C |--0-----0--3--1----3--]
E |--0-----0-----0----0--]
G |--0-----0-----2----0--]
A |--7--7--5--3----]
C |--8--8--8--0--3-]
E |--7--7--8--0----]
G |--0--0--8--0----]
Repeat that part.
Then the "with a ___, ___ here..." part:
A |--------3--3--3-]
C |--3--3--0-----0-]
E |--------0-----0-]
G |--------0-----0-]
And basically repeat theC chord until the "everywhere a ___, ____" and then repeat the first part.
Warning: don't play this in front of kids unless you want to play it over and over again 5 million times :)
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