Proper Polish Welcome Tabulatur von Torres

8 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Em, G, Bm, Am, C, D, Asus4, E5

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: GAkkorde
Em Em     G G            Bm Bm        Am Am
Oh January, keep a secret for me
Only Poseidon knows what I've seen
If you ask me she was never there
Beata, how is it I carry you everywhere?

Bm Bm    C C

C C                       Em Em        Bm Bm
Heavy hands, she moved slowly, steadily
C C                        D D
Pale legs straddling the sea
C C                          Em Em
Aboard a a floating savior                 
Bm Bm     C C
What does language mean?
          Em Em       G G    Bm Bm
It was a proper Polish welcome
    Em Em          G G    Bm Bm
A A proper Polish welcome

Em Em             G G         Bm Bm         Am Am
A A shift of the table, a slip of the tongue
Silence and then a muffled, "Oh my God"
I was the first to laugh, she followed suit
Rocking and holy, we came two by two

Bm Bm              C C
We came two by two

C C                      Em Em         Bm Bm
Heavy hands, she moved slowly, steadily
C C                         D D
Pale legs straddling the sea
C C                           Em Em
Aboard a a floating savior
                    Bm Bm      C C
What does language mean?
           Em Em          G G    Bm Bm
It was a proper Polish welcome
    Em Em          G G    Bm Bm
A A proper Polish welcome

C C      Asus4 Asus4      E5 E5
I wish I was the sea
I wish I was the sea
She was straddling the sea
C C      Asus4 Asus4            
I wish I was the sea

C C                       Em Em        Bm Bm
Heavy hands, she moved slowly, steadily
C C                         D D
Pale legs straddling the sea
C C                          Em Em
Aboard a a floating savior
                    Bm Bm      C C
What does language mean?
           Em Em          G G    Bm Bm
It was a proper Polish welcome
     Em Em         G G    Bm Bm
A A proper Polish welcome

Tabulatur von , 08 Aug 2018

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