Happy Birthday Charlie Tabulatur von Tom Milsom

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Cm, F, A#, Gm, F7

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

Font size: A- A A+

Album:  unbekannt
Key: A#, GmAkkorde
0 1 2 3 4 5
Cm Cm                 F F

Time has passed since yesterday

A# A# Gm Gm

Now you're all grown up

Cm Cm F F

Twenty years have passed your way

A# A# Gm Gm

And every year you've used the whole thing up

Cm Cm F F A# A# Cm Cm

And here's another year, a brand new dream to build

Cm Cm F F F7 F7 Gm Gm

To join to 19 ones and you've already failed

Cm Cm F F F7 F7 Gm Gm

And when this one's filled up there'll be another still

Cm Cm F F

Cuz time goes on

Cm Cm F F

Time goes on

Cm Cm F F

Life goes on

Cm Cm F F

Life goes on


Cm Cm F F

You make the world a better place

A# A# Cm Cm

With all the things you do

Cm Cm F F

And all the love you get today

A# A# Cm Cm

Is proof of that for you

Cm Cm F F A# A# Cm Cm

A A modern life is one of many memes and trends

Cm Cm F F F7 F7 Gm Gm

And jokes come and go as easily as friends

Cm Cm F F F7 F7 Gm Gm

And your relationships will hurt as well as mend

Cm Cm F F

But time goes on

Cm Cm F F

Time goes on

Cm Cm F F

Life goes on

Cm Cm F F

Life goes on


(there's a part here where I can't figure out the words or the chords because it's pretty fast.)

Cm Cm F F

Today is just another day

A# A# Gm Gm

And everything's the same

Cm Cm F F

Open up your mind today

A# A# Gm Gm

And ask it for its name

Tabulatur von , 29 Dez 2013

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