5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Gm, Cm, Dm, Eb, F

Ansehen dieser Akkorde für Bariton
Transpose chords:
He's climbin in your windows,
he's snatchin your people up.Cm
Tryna rape em so y'all need toDm
hide your kids, hide your wife,Gm
hide your kids, hide your wife,
hide your kids, hide your wife,Cm
and hide your husband, cuz they'reDm
rapin errbody out here.Gm
You don't have to come and confess,
we're lookin for you.Cm
We gon find you,Dm
we gon find you, soGm
you can run and tell that,
run and tell that, run andCm
tell that, homeboy,Dm
home, home, homeboy.Eb
We got your t-shirt, you done leftDm
fingerprints and all, you are soCm
dumb. You are reallyGm
dumb, for real.Eb
The man got awayDm
leaving behind evidence.Cm
I was attacked by someF
idiot in the projects.Gm
So dumb, so dumb,
so dumb, so...
# Chorus (X2)
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