She's Not Gone Yet But She's Leaving Tabulatur von The Fratellis

6 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Em, Am, B7, G, D, C

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2013
Key: EmAkkorde
Capo 2

Em Em Am Am
Well she's halfway over this hard on son
B7 B7 Em Em
She's not gone yet but she's leaving
Em Em Am Am
And she's quite sure she's not the only one
B7 B7 Em Em
She's not gone yet but she's leaving
Em Em Am Am
Well there's a quiver up her backbone, dogs in the dust
B7 B7 Em Em
She's not gone yet but she's leaving
Em Em Am Am
And she'll take what she needs and she'll do what she must
B7 B7 Em Em
She's not gone yet but she's leaving

G G Em Em
There's a raw bone whisper underneath the cover
Am Am D D
Louder than a dead man's drum
G G Em Em
There's a joke that they told her when she got much older
When she knew just what she'd become

Oh let me tell ya that she's...

Em Em Am Am
One part evil, three-fifths blind
B7 B7 Em Em
She's not gone yet but she's leaving
Em Em Am Am
And she's oh so delicate and still don't mind
B7 B7 Em Em
She's not gone yet but she's leaving
Em Em Am Am
Well there's a chance that she knows where the bodies are kept
B7 B7 Em Em
She's not gone yet but she's leaving
Em Em Am Am
And she still don't remember the tears that she wept
B7 B7 Em Em
She's not gone yet but she's leaving

G G Em Em
There's a raw bone whisper underneath the cover
Am Am D D
Louder than a dead man's drum
G G Em Em
There's a joke that they told her when she got much older
When she knew just what she'd become

Oh let me tell ya now...


Em Em Am Am
Well she's all too generous with my time
B7 B7 Em Em
She's not gone yet but she's leaving
Em Em Am Am
And she knows that injustice is no real crime
B7 B7 Em Em
She's not gone yet but she's leaving
Em Em Am Am
And I will always remember the way that she crawled
B7 B7 Em Em
She's not gone yet but she's leaving
Em Em Am Am
When I throw up in the rain she pretends she's appalled
B7 B7 Em Em
She's not gone yet but she's leaving

G G Em Em
There's a raw bone whisper underneath the cover
Am Am D D
Louder than a dead man's drum
G G Em Em
There's a joke that they told her when she got much older
When she knew just what she'd become

Tabulatur von , 28 Dez 2013

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