Warm Tabulatur von The Coronas

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: G, D, Em, Am, C

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: G, Am, EmAkkorde
G G              D D         Em Em                   Am Am                C C             G G
You say you're close behind but I want you to see I want you to always be mine
G G D D Em Em Am Am C C G G
I know they say you won't cry, but I'm thinking would you be thinking of me too this night

C C D D Em Em
And I never stop and think before I speak
But you said you like that about me
C C D D G G Em Em
So tell me more, bare your soul, I want to keep it warm
C C D D G G D D Em Em / Am Am C C G G
Oh... I want to keep you warm

G G D D Em Em Am Am C C G G
And it's the small things that make me sure like how we'd happily spend hours on end without words
G G D D Em Em Am Am C C G G
And I know I said too much too soon, still so much to do but so much to lose without you

C C D D Em Em
And I never stop and think before I speak
But you said you like that about me
C C D D G G Em Em
So tell me more, bare your soul, I want to keep it warm
C C D D G G D D Em Em / Am Am C C G G
Oh...I want to keep you warm

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