Giant Heart Tabulatur von The Angelcy

7 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: E, G#m, C#m, F#m, B, Am, A

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Tablature / Chords (Vereinfachter Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: E, C#mAkkorde und Tabulaturen
E E G#m G#m
Oh my darling babe
C#m C#m
Take me in your arms
G#m G#m
Don't let me be a stranger
F#m F#m E E
Oh, I wish I'd find
F#m F#m B B
A A giant heart to crawl up inside
And sleep
G#m G#m
Where everything is still
C#m C#m
Where there is no more war
G#m G#m
Where everything is one
F#m F#m E E
In your arms, where everything is one
F#m F#m B B E E Am Am E E Am Am E E Am Am E E
In your arms I shine I shine
E E G#m G#m C#m C#m A A E E G#m G#m
Ohhhh I wish my heart was bigger
C#m C#m A A E E G#m G#m
It wouldn't get flooded
C#m C#m B B E E
I wish that I could love you all the time
I don't know what love is
G#m G#m C#m C#m
But I know when I'm touched
And it's never enough
G#m G#m C#m C#m
And it's always too much
And your body's an island of warmth
C#m C#m
(I wish that I could love)
In the cold ocean
E E G#m G#m C#m C#m
Carry me home when it starts to get dark
A A E E G#m G#m C#m C#m
Carry me home when I run out of luck
A A E E G#m G#m
Carry me home when it's over
C#m C#m
(I wish that I could love)
B B E E G#m G#m C#m C#m
Carry me home but everyone dies alone
A A E E G#m G#m C#m C#m
But everyone dies alone
A A E E G#m G#m C#m C#m
But everyone dies alone
C#m C#m B B E E
(I wish that I could love you all the time)
E E G#m G#m
Oh oh my darling babe
C#m C#m
Take me in your arms
G#m G#m F#m F#m
Don't let me be a stranger
F#m F#m E E Am Am
Don't let me be a stranger
Am Am E E
Oh oh oh ohhhh

Tabulatur von , 22 Jul 2018

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