Can We Talk Tabulatur von Tevin Campbell

14 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Am7, Dm, Gm7, A7sus4, A7, Dmaj7, G7, Bb/C, Fmaj7, Bbmaj7, C, Db6, Csus4, F

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
Am7 Am7 - Dm Dm - Gm7 Gm7
A7sus A7sus - A7 A7 - Dmaj7 Dmaj7

Dm Dm
Last night I,
A7 A7
I saw you standing,
Dm Dm
And I started,
G7 G7
Started pretending,
Gm7 Gm7 Bb/C Bb/C Fmaj7 Fmaj7 - A7sus A7sus - A7 A7
I knew you and you knew me too,
Dm Dm
And just like a roni,
A7 A7
You were too shy,
Dm Dm
But you weren't the only,
G7 G7
'Cause so was I,
Bbmaj7 Bbmaj7 Am7 Am7
And I've dreamed of you ever since,
Bbmaj7 Bbmaj7 Am7 Am7 A7 A7
Now I've built up my confidence,
Bbmaj7 Bbmaj7 Am7 Am7
Girl next, next time you come my way,
Gm7 Gm7 C C
I'll know just what to say,

Am7 Am7 Dm Dm Gm7 Gm7
Can we talk for a minute,
A7sus A7sus A7 A7 Dmaj7 Dmaj7
Girl I want to know your name,
Am7 Am7 Dm Dm Gm7 Gm7
Can we talk for a minute,
A7sus A7sus A7 A7 Dmaj7 Dmaj7
Girl I want to know your name

Dm Dm
I started
A7 A7
to write you letters
Dm Dm
But I wanted
G7 G7
to be more clever,
Gm7 Gm7 C C Fmaj7 Fmaj7
I wanted to get down and sweet talk to you
A7sus A7sus - A7 A7
Yea baby

Dm Dm
But just like a baby
A7 A7
I could not talk
Dm Dm
And I tried to come closer
G7 G7
but could not walk,
Bbmaj7 Bbmaj7 Am7 Am7
And I think of it every night,
Bbmaj7 Bbmaj7 Am7 Am7 A7 A7
How I just could not get it right,
Bbmaj7 Bbmaj7 Am7 Am7
Oh if we ever come close again,
Gm7 Gm7 C C
I know what I'll say then

Am7 Am7 Dm Dm Gm7 Gm7
Can we talk for a minute,
A7sus A7sus A7 A7 Dmaj7 Dmaj7
Girl I want to know your name,
Am7 Am7 Dm Dm Gm7 Gm7
Can we talk for a minute,
A7sus A7sus A7 A7 Dmaj7 Dmaj7
Girl I want to know your name


Oh girl

Bbmaj7 Bbmaj7
One more chance,
A7sus A7sus - A7 A7
With you again,
Dm Dm Db6 Db6
I will not let it go,
Csus4 Csus4 G7 G7
Oh please give me just one more chance,
Bbmaj7 Bbmaj7 - F F - Bb/C Bb/C
For love

Am7 Am7 Dm Dm Gm7 Gm7
Can we talk for a minute,
A7sus A7sus A7 A7 Dmaj7 Dmaj7
Girl I want to know your name,
Am7 Am7 Dm Dm Gm7 Gm7
Can we talk for a minute,
A7sus A7sus A7 A7 Dmaj7 Dmaj7
Girl I want to know your name

Tabulatur von , 04 Okt 2021

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