Lose It Tabulatur von SWMRS

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: F, Bb, C, Dm, A

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2016
Key: DmAkkorde
When I first saw you I made a mixtape
Bb Bb C C
I didn't know you'd do the same damn thing
When I said goodbye to you it went quiet
Bb Bb C C
Cause I didn't wanna feel any pain
Bb Bb C C
The last thing I want is another debutante
Dm Dm C C Bb Bb
To take me away from my world
Bb Bb C C
And I know that wasn't us, but it still got tough
So come on, come on

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F A A
Tell me why'd you have to have such a damn good taste in music?
Dm Dm Bb Bb F F
Yeah if all my favorite songs make me think of you I'm gonna lose it

F F Bb Bb

When we drove up the coast we had a soundtrack
Bb Bb C C
We made it feel like a film on a reel
And our story didn't have a happy ending
Bb Bb C C
But it still sounded good despite the way I feel
Bb Bb C C
The last thing I want is another broken heart
Dm Dm C C Bb Bb
To drive me to the brink of crazy
Bb Bb C C
In the end I couldn't take it cause I knew we wouldn't make it
So come on, come on

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F A A
Tell me why'd you have to have such a damn good taste in music?
Dm Dm Bb Bb F F
Yeah if all my favorite songs make me think of you I'm gonna lose it
Dm Dm Bb Bb F F A A
Tell me why'd you have to have such a damn good taste in music?
Dm Dm Bb Bb F F
Yeah if all my favorite songs make me think of you I'm gonna lose it

F F Bb Bb

Bb Bb
In the end we were just a couple kids
Who thought and fought our way around each other
Bb Bb
There's a mark on the town from the times we had around
But there's still some space for the rest of our lives sing it
F F Bb Bb
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
F F Bb Bb
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
F F Bb Bb
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
F F Bb Bb
Doo doo doo doo doo doo

F F Bb Bb

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F A A
Tell me why'd you have to have such a damn good taste in music?
Dm Dm Bb Bb F F
Yeah if all my favorite songs make me think of you I'm gonna lose it
Dm Dm Bb Bb F F A A
Tell me why'd you have to have such a damn good taste in music?
Dm Dm Bb Bb F F
Yeah if all my favorite songs make me think of you I'm gonna lose it
F F F F Bb Bb
I'm gonna lose it
I'm gonna lose it

Tabulatur von , 02 Dez 2017

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Whyyy avatar
strumming pattern?
03 Apr 2018
obsssdwthbnds avatar
Best band ever... Thank you so much for this tab!
23 Dec 2017

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