By My Side Tabulatur von Spookyghostboy

6 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, Em, Am, Dm, F, G

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: C, AmAkkorde
C C Em Em Am Am Dm Dm 2x

C C Em Em Am Am
She's the only one that I’ll ever love as much as I do now,
Dm Dm
(as much as i do now)
C C Em Em
And she's been keeping me guessing in misery,
Am Am Dm Dm
I hope she doesn't leave, I hope she doesn't leave
C C Em Em
And when we're getting up, I’ll have her hand to hold
Am Am
Her fingers laced in mine,
Dm Dm
She'll be here by my side
And though we'll be apart,
Em Em
I’ll keep her nearer heart
Am Am Dm Dm
And all the memories will keep on telling me:
F F Am Am
“Did ya love her the best that you could?
F F Am Am
And would you change it, was the ending so good?
F F Am Am Dm Dm C C G G C C Em Em Am Am Dm Dm
And would there ever be another that makes you okay?”
We haven't spoke in months
Em Em Am Am
And I can't think of us without forsaking it,
Dm Dm
And I start faking it
C C Em Em
I get the 'life moves on', but what if I stay here?
Am Am Dm Dm
And I get left behind for just another year,
C C Em Em
Well, I was happiest when I had you to kiss
Am Am Dm Dm
And when we'd start to sing, I’d give most anything
C C Em Em
To have you by my side, your fingers laced in mine
Am Am Dm Dm
But all the memories will keep on telling me:
F F Am Am
“Did ya love her the best that you could?
F F Am Am
Would you change it, was the ending so good?
F F Am Am Dm Dm
Will there ever be another that makes you okay?”

Tabulatur von , 20 Jan 2019

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