2 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: E, B

This is best played with two ukuleles, that way one person can play the chord patterns, while the other plays the riffs.
It starts off like this
Uke 1E
|---4-4---4-| x8
Uke 2
Main part
|-----------| x4
|-----------|(come in after Uke 1's fourth)
Then it switches to this
Uke 1 (alone)B
|---2-2---2-| play this about three or four times
Then Uke 1 plays theE pattern four times, and on the third time, Uke 2 plays the main part, and then skips the fourth. After the fourth, Uke 1 plays the
B pattern while Uke 2 plays this:
Uke 2
Then Uke 1 goes back to playing theE pattern while Uke 2 ends with this:
Uke 2
Main part
/ = slide to
Sorry if this is a bit confusing, but if you listen to the song and play along it'll make sense.
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