Oh Darling Dear Tabulatur von SNCKPCK

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2014
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
capo 2 tab

C/G C/G/F/Am

i want a tree house made of robo-cop VHS tapes so i can kiss you in it
i want a tree house made of robo-cop VHS tapes so i can kiss you in it
i want a tree house made of robo-cop VHS tapes so i can kiss you in it
i want a tree house made of robo-cop VHS tapes so i can kiss you in it

oh darling dear thank you for the buzz light year action figure. i love it
oh darling dear i dont wana do anything but hold you near me. hold you near me.
oh darling dear ive got so many things to tell you so sit down and ill list them off

youve got a funny way to look at me and smile. i just wana stay with you 4 a while
knowing i am yours and you are mine. lets fly a kite at night at 9
you make me happy like a puppy dog eating peanut butter. im serious.
i cant beleive how nice you look. so lets make out and read comic books

i want a tree house made of robo-cop VHS tapes so i can kiss you in it
i want a tree house made of robo-cop VHS tapes so i can kiss you in it
i want a tree house made of robo-cop VHS tapes so i can kiss you in it
i want a tree house made of robo-cop VHS tapes so i can kiss you in it

oh darling dear lets climb a tree. heres a boost for you and me.
oh darling dear i cant believe you exists like holy hek wow you exist
oh darling dear why do you like me. i feel like u shouldnt but thats bc you are
gorgous / and funny / and SMART / and cool / like omg what the hek /i am so lucky / im so lucky / im so lucky / im so lucky / im so lucky

i want a tree house made of robo-cop VHS tapes so i can kiss you in it
i want a tree house made of robo-cop VHS tapes so i can kiss you in it
i want a tree house made of robo-cop VHS tapes so i can kiss you in it
i want a tree house made of robo-cop VHS tapes so i can kiss you in it

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