International War Crimnial Tabulatur von Slackers

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: G, B7, Em, C

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: EmAkkorde
Intro: G G, B7 B7, Em Em, C C

G G B7 B7
When I was young all them teachers taught me
Em Em C C
In the old books that their Cold War bought me
G G B7 B7
They said like dominos this whole wide world could
Em Em C C
Just all to pieces like they wish that old Middle East would

G G B7 B7 Em Em C C
But international war criminal
G G B7 B7 Em Em C C
Information is minimal
G G B7 B7
The weapons of destruction
Em Em C C
They are gasoline and petroleum
G G B7 B7 Em Em C C
And are you stickin' 'round to see what happens?
G G B7 B7 Em Em C C
Are you stickin' 'round to see what happens?

I heard they found one in a hole, man
White lights crawlin' on his brown skin
But ain't it shameful just being human?
No, it's old as original sin that white light's always creepin' in

And international war criminal
Situation is pitiful
The weapons of destruction
They're just gasoline and petroleum
Will you stick around to see what happens?
Are you stickin' around to see what happens?

International rules of war are spoken
When it suits someone to have them broken
It's funny how they go on definin' "terror"
As killing and destroyin' things to force your own agenda

But international war criminal
Situation it's pitiful
The weapons of destruction
Are gasoline and petroleum
But are you stickin' 'round to see what happens?

International war criminal
Infromation, it's critical
Weapons of destruction
They are gasoline and petroleum
Will you stick around to see what happens?
Will you stick around to see what happens?

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