Beginning Of Sorrows Tabulatur von Skindred

8 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: D#, C, G, F#, C#, D, G#, F

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2004
Key: unbekanntAkkorde

D# D# C C D# D# C C G G F# F# C C

D# D# C C
Take Head that no man should deceive you
D# D# C C
For many shall come and try to lead you
D# D# C C
You'll hear of wars and rumours will set
C# C# D# D# C C
Yet be not troubled it's not the time yet
D# D# C C D D C C G G C C
It is written now ohhhhhhh it is written now
D# D# G# G# C C G G
It's the beginning of sorrows
The beginning of the beginning of
F# F# G G C C D# D# C C
The beginning of sorrows

D# D# C C
For nations rising against nations
D# D# C C
Kingdoms fighting against kingdoms
D# D# C C
There shall be famine world-shaking pestilence
D# D# C C
Yet be not troubled it's not the end yet

D# D# C C D D C C G G C C
It is written now ohhhhhhh it is written now
G# G# C C
It's the beginning of sorrows
The beginning of the beginning of
F# F# G G C# C# C C
The beginning of sorrows
The beginning of the beginning of
F# F# G G C# C# C C
The beginning of sorrows
The beginning of the beginning of
F# F#
The beginning of

G# G# D# D# F F
Fear not my brethren and my sistren
C# C# G# G# C# C#
Jah light soon come fear not my brethren
F F C# C# F F G# G#
I have great new, Jah manifestation

Solo: F F G# G# F F G# G# C C G G F F G G C# C#
D# D# G# G# G G F F C C C# C# D# D# C C

F# F#
The beginning of sorrows
C C F# F# C C
The beginning of sorrows
F# F# C C F# F# C C
The beginning of sorrows
F# F# C C
The beginning of sorrows
The beginning of sorrows

Tabulatur von , 30 Apr 2016

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