Crawl Out Through The Fallout Tabulatur von Sheldon Allman

8 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: G, E7, A7, D7, Am, C, B, Em

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

Font size: A- A A+

Album:  unbekannt
Key: EmAkkorde

G G E7 E7 A7 A7
Crawl out through the fallout baby, when they drop that bomb.
D7 D7 G G
Crawl out through the fallout with the greatest of of aplomb
E7 E7 Am Am A7 A7
When your white counts getting higher, hurry don't delay! I'll hold
D7 D7
you close and kiss those radiation burns away!

G G E7 E7 A7 A7
Crawl out through the fallout baby, to my loving arms!
Through the rain of Strontium Ninety!


E7 E7 Am Am
Think about your hero, When you're at ground zero
G G Em Em Am Am D7 D7 G G
And crawl out through the fallout straight to me!


G G E7 E7 A7 A7
Crawl out through the fallout baby, You know what I mean!
D7 D7 G G
Crawl out through the fallout cause they said this bomb was clean
E7 E7 Am Am A7 A7
If you cannot find the way just, listen for my song. I'll love you all
D7 D7
your life although that may not be too long!

G G E7 E7 A7 A7
Crawl out through the fallout baby, to my loving arms!
While those I C C B B Ms keep us free!


E7 E7 Am Am
When you hear me call out, baby kick the wall out
G G Em Em Am Am D7 D7 G G
And crawl out through the fallout back to me!

Tabulatur von , 11 Jun 2021

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