Mookies Last Christmas Tabulatur von Saosin

6 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Bm, G, Esus2, Gsus2, D, Asus2

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2008
Key: D, GAkkorde
Bm Bm                  G G                Esus2 Esus2
From throat and eyes came winter and reasons
I'm told to carry on
Bm Bm G G Esus2 Esus2 G G
Sad overwhelms my senses drown oh I feel dependent
Esus2 Esus2 Gsus2 Gsus2
The feeling that you were honest before
Esus2 Esus2 Gsus2 Gsus2
I can't shake it...

Bm Bm G G
Make the same mistake twice
D D Asus2 Asus2
Burst of red and green all over me
Bm Bm G G
Brings the things that she'll love
D D Asus2 Asus2
I should let it fold over

Bm Bm G G Esus2 Esus2
We count the days left, 23
And all I know
Bm Bm G G
Honestly, could I be protected
Esus2 Esus2 G G
With you suddenly gone
Esus2 Esus2 Gsus2 Gsus2
The feeling that you were honest before
Esus2 Esus2 Gsus2 Gsus2
I can't shake it...

Bm Bm G G
Make the same mistake twice
D D Asus2 Asus2
Burst of red and green all over me
Bm Bm G G
Brings the things that she'll love
D D Asus2 Asus2
I should let it fold over

Bm Bm G G
Make the same mistake twice

Tabulatur von , 06 Feb 2009

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