Mirrors Tabulatur von Sally Oldfield

10 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, Dm, G, F, Em, D, A, F#m, A/C#, Bm

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
C C 
Oh we are mirrors in the sun and we brightly shine

We are singing and dancing in perfect time

There is nothing in the world that we can do

To stop the light of love come shining through
Dm Dm C C
And the fire of a newborn moment is shining round you

Kiele aloha
Dm Dm C C
Hey, a perfect stranger, I feel I know you,

Kiele aloha
Dm Dm G G F F Em Em Dm Dm
Hey, come be with me for we are, we are, we are, we are perfect
Mirrors in the sun and we brightly shine

We are singing and dancing in perfect time

There is nothing in the world that we can do

To stop the light of love come shining through
Dm Dm C C
And the fire of a golden light is shining round you

Kiele aloha
Dm Dm C C
Hey, the wind is cold and I long to hold you

Kiele aloha
Dm Dm G G F F Em Em Dm Dm
Hey, come be with me for we are, we are, we are, we are perfect
Mirrors in the sun and we brightly shine

We are singing and dancing in perfect time

There is nothing in the world that we can do
To stop the light of love come shining through
Interlúdio: A/C# A/C# - Bm Bm - A A (4x)
Em Em D D
And streets are filled with bell and the sky was falling

Kiele aloha
Em Em D D
There are so many things I long to tell you, can you here me calling

Kiele aloha
Em Em A A G G F#m F#m Em Em
Hey, come be with me for we are, we are, we are, we are perfect
Mirrors in the sun and we brightly shine

We are singing and dancing in perfect time
D D A/C# A/C# Bm Bm A A
There is nothing in the world that we can do
D D A/C# A/C# Bm Bm A A
To stop the light of love come shining through
We are mirrors...

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