Waiting All Night Tabulatur von Rudimental

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Em, D, Am, G

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Tablature / Chords (Hauptriff)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: G, EmAkkorde
Em Em;D D;Am Am;G G

Intro: Em Em D D Am Am G G (2x)
Em Em D D
I've been waiting all night for you to

Am Am G G
Tell me what you want, tell me, tell me that you need me

Em Em D D
I've been waiting all night

Am Am G G
for you to.... Oh

Em Em D D
I've been waiting all night for you to

Am Am G G
Tell me what you want, tell me, tell me that you need me

Em Em D D
I've been waiting all night for you

Am Am G G to tell me that you want me

Em Em D D
Tell me that you need me yeah, tell me that you want me yeah

Am Am D D
ell me that you need me, tell that you want me

Em Em D D
Tell me that you need me yeah, tell me that you want me yeah

Am Am G G
Tell me that you need me, tell that you want me ohhhhhhhhhhhhh

Gepest until satisfied

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