Haunted Devil Man Tabulatur von Rogue Fernhart

10 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Dm, Gm, Am, D, F, C, A7, A, Em, Bb

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: DmAkkorde
Pick 134-2
Dm Dm

Verse 1:
Pick 134-2
Dm Dm
Don’t know how you got me
Into this rigged game.
Gm Gm
More crooked than that smile, babe,
Dm Dm
When you’re dealing out lies.

Verse 2:
Pick 134-2
Dm Dm
You’ve been trying to goad me
Into showing my hand all night,
Gm Gm
but I know you well enough to know
Dm Dm
You don’t play fair.
Am Am
Got a stacked deck.
Dm Dm
Aces up both sleeves

Strum dDdD
Dm Dm
Whoa, ain’t it funny baby?
Used to be a time
When all I would’ve wanted
Gm Gm Dm Dm
Was to play with you,
C C Dm Dm
But now I know the truth.

Chorus 1
Island strum D D-DU-UDU
Dm Dm
No no no no no.
A7 A7
Never again.
I’ll leave you nothing
Gm Gm
Except the memories and
Dm Dm A7 A7
Those’ll haunt you.
A7 A7 Dm Dm
You know they will.
A7 A7
Haunted devil man,
Dm Dm
You know they will.

Island strum
Gm Gm F F A A

Verse 3:
Pick 134-2
Em Em
The last thing I’m gonna do
Is take the bait. I fold.
Am Am
All I wanna know is
Em Em
How you hid those horns so well
Bb Bb
For all these years.
Em Em
I never knew.

Pick 134-2
Em Em D D C C A A

Strum dDdD
Dm Dm
Whoa, ain’t it funny baby?
Used to be a time
When all I would’ve wanted
Gm Gm Dm Dm
Was to play with you,
C C Dm Dm
But now I know the truth.

Chorus 2
Island strum D D-DU-UDU
Dm Dm
No no no no no.
A7 A7
Never again.
I’ll leave you nothing
Gm Gm
Except the memories and
Dm Dm A7 A7
Those’ll haunt you.
A7 A7 Dm Dm
You know they will.
A7 A7
Haunted devil man,
Dm Dm
You know they will.

Dm Dm
No no no no no.
A7 A7
Never again.
I’ll leave you nothing
Gm Gm
Except the memories and
Dm Dm A7 A7
Those’ll haunt you.
A7 A7 Dm Dm
You know they will.
A7 A7
Haunted devil man,
Dm Dm
You know they will.
A7 A7 F F Gm Gm Dm Dm A7 A7

F F Gm Gm
Oh, ain’t it sad,
Dm Dm
Baby, when you
A7 A7/

Tabulatur von , 27 Feb 2025

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