One Song Glory Tabulatur von Rent

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: F, Dm, Bb, C, Gm

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: F, DmAkkorde
F F              Dm Dm                 Bb Bb                   C C                  
One song glory one song before I go glory one song to leave behind.
F F Dm Dm Bb Bb C C
Find one song one last refrain glory from the pretty-boy frontman who wasted opportunity.
F F C C Dm Dm Bb Bb
One song, he had the world at his feet glory in the eyes of a young girl...a
young girl. Find glory
C C Dm Dm Bb Bb
beyond the cheap colored lights, one song before the sun sets. Glory on
C C Dm Dm Bb Bb C C Dm Dm F F Gm Gm F F Gm Gm
another empty life. Time flies...time dies. blaze of glory.
F F Gm Gm Dm Dm
One blaze of glory...glory...
F F C C Dm Dm Bb Bb C C
Find glory in a song that rings true, truth like a blazing eternal
Dm Dm
F F C C Dm Dm Bb Bb
Find one song a song about love, glory, from the soul of a young man...a
young man.
F F C C Dm Dm
Find the one song before the virus takes hold glory like a sunset.
Bb Bb C C Dm Dm
One song to redeem this empty life.
Bb Bb C C Dm Dm Bb Bb C C F F
Time flies, and then no need to endure anymore. Time dies...

Tabulatur von , 18 Mai 2009

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MuppetMolly avatar
I'm sure it's perfect. I couldn't get through it, I was crying too much. Thanks a million. :)
21 Jun 2012

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