Golden Touch Tabulatur von Razorlight

7 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Em, Am, F, C, G, Dm, Bbm

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Tablature / Chords (Vereinfachter Song)

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Jahr:  2004
Key: C, AmAkkorde und Tabulaturen
# Original tuning : 2.0 step up


Em Em Am Am


F F Em Em Am Am
I know a girl with the golden touch
F F Em Em Am Am
shes got enough, shes got to much
C C Em Em Am Am
but I know you wouldnt mind
F F Em Em
you could have it all if you wanted
F F Em Em Am Am
you could have it all if it mattered so much

play open strings (ie intro) before going to chorus


Am Am G G F F Dm Dm Em Em
But then all they know is how to put you down
Am Am G G
when your there, they're your friend
F F Dm Dm Em Em
but then when your not around
Am Am G G
they say Oh shes changed
F F Dm Dm Em Em
we know what they mean
Am Am G G
well they mean, theyre just jealous
because they never do the things
Dm Dm Em Em Am Am
that they wish that they could do so well

F F Em Em Am Am
That kind of girl, yes shes never alone
F F Em Em Am Am
you leave a thousand messages on her phone
C C Em Em Am Am
but you know you never get through
F F Em Em
and you could have it all if you wanted girl
F F Em Em Am Am
you could have it all if it matters to you


Am Am G G F F Dm Dm Em Em
But then all they know is how to put you down
Am Am G G
when your there, they're your friend
F F Dm Dm Em Em
but then when your not around
Am Am G G
they say Oh shes changed
F F Dm Dm Em Em
we know what they mean
Am Am G G
well they mean, theyre just jealous
because they never do the things
Dm Dm Em Em Am Am
that they wish that they could do so well


F F Em Em Am Am
I saw my girl with the golden touch
F F Em Em Am Am
give them a taste but not too much
C C Em Em Am Am
I just cant listen to the words of fools
Bbm Bbm F F Am Am
I dont give away too much
Bbm Bbm F F Am Am
someone will need your golden touch


F F G G Am Am
They'll never do the things that they wish that they could do so well X 3

Tabulatur von unbekannt, 25 Jan 2009

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