"give," Said The Little Stream Tabulatur von Primary Songs

3 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: D, A7, G

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

Font size: A- A A+

Album:  unbekannt
Key: D, BmAkkorde
# Verse 1
D D A7 A7 D D
"Give" said the little stream,"give oh! give, give,oh! give"
A7 A7 D D
"Give," said the little stream, As it hurried down the hill; I'm
A7 A7 D D
small, I know, but wherever I go The fields grow greener still."

# Chorus
(D D) G G D D A7 A7 D D
Singing, singing all the day, "Give away, oh! give away."
G G D D A7 A7 D D
Singing, singing all the day, "Give, oh! give away."

# Verse 2

"Give," said the little rain,
"Give, oh! give, give, oh! give."
"Give," said the little rain,
As it fell upon the flow'rs;
"I'll raise their drooping heads again,"
As it fell upon the flow'rs.

# Verse 3

Give, then, as Jesus gives,
Give, oh! give, give, oh! give.
Give, then, as Jesus gives;
There is something all can give.
Do as the streams and blossoms do:
For God and others live.

Tabulatur von , 04 Aug 2014

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jovie_baby avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (Chicago)
i love this song I played it in primary on my ukulele and all the kids loved it
19 Jan 2025

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