Werewolves Of Armenia Tabulatur von Powerwolf

3 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Dm, A, Bb

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

Font size: A- A A+

Album:  unbekannt
Key: DmAkkorde
Eins, zwei, drei, vier!

Dm Dm A A
Hallelujah when the moon is up - hu, ha
Dm Dm A A
We are werewolves, all we need is blood - hu, ha
Dm Dm A A
Take a silverbullet for your shot - hu, ha
Dm Dm A A
We're immortal, all we fear is god

Dm Dm A A
Cantus lupus
Dm Dm A A
Agnus totus
Bb Bb A A
We are the werewolves of Armenia
Bb Bb A A
We are the army of the wild

Dm Dm A A
All beware the lycantrophic russ - hu, ha
Dm Dm A A
Start a prayer, werewolves don't discuss - hu, ha
Dm Dm A A
Warning from the bible of the beast - hu, ha
Dm Dm A A
Never trust a werewolf from the east

Dm Dm A A
Cantus lupus
Dm Dm A A
Agnus totus
Bb Bb A A
We are the werewolves of Armenia
Bb Bb A A
We are the army of the wild

Dm Dm A A
Dm Dm A A
Oh lupatum
Bb Bb A A
We are the werewolves of Armenia
Bb Bb A A
We are the legend of the night

Omnis draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica

A A Bb Bb A A
A A Bb Bb A A

Dm Dm A A
Cantus lupus
Dm Dm A A
Agnus totus
Bb Bb A A
We are the werewolves of Armenia
Bb Bb A A
We are the army of the wild

Dm Dm A A
Dm Dm A A
Oh lupatum
Bb Bb A A
We are the werewolves of Armenia
Bb Bb A A
We are the legend of the night

Tabulatur von , 02 Feb 2018

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