Safe To Say Tabulatur von Poema

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, Em, Dm, G

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2010
Key: C, AmAkkorde
C C - Em Em - Dm Dm - G G

C C Em Em Dm Dm G G
We were meant to be that's what everyone says
C C Em Em Dm Dm G G
And I thought so too when we first held hands oooh
C C Em Em Dm Dm G G
But it wasn't safe to say just yet or so I thought so
C C Em Em Dm Dm G G
You were on my mind all day, the next day, and the next

Dm Dm G G
And the next day
Dm Dm G G
This is a feeling that doesn't fade

C C Em Em Dm Dm G G
I think it's safe to say now that I love you
C C Em Em Dm Dm G G
Remember everyday I'm thinking of you
Dm Dm G G Dm Dm G G
Together forever
It's safe to say

C C Em Em Dm Dm
You don't have to pick the petals off a daisy
To know I'm crazy
C C Em Em
About you baby, there is no maybe
Dm Dm G G
Oh and you know I'm staying
Dm Dm G G
In love with you
Dm Dm G G
Oh this I always knew

C C Em Em Dm Dm G G
I think it's safe to say now that I love you
C C Em Em Dm Dm G G
Remember everyday I'm thinking of you
Dm Dm G G Dm Dm G G
Together forever
It's safe to say

Dm Dm G G
And the next day (X3)
Dm Dm G G
I think that I can finally say

C C Em Em Dm Dm G G
I think it's safe to say now that I love you
C C Em Em Dm Dm G G
Remember everyday I'm thinking of you
C C Em Em Dm Dm G G
I think it's safe to say now that I love you
C C Em Em Dm Dm G G
Remember everyday I'm thinking of you
Dm Dm G G Dm Dm G G
Together forever
It's safe to say

Dm Dm
And the next day
You know I'm crazy

Tabulatur von , 12 Jan 2015

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