Fictional Men Tabulatur von PEGGY

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, E7, Am, F, Fm

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: AmAkkorde
So, here's the deal
C C E7 E7
I met this guy like a month ago
Am Am F F
I got to thinking and I was like 'what the hell'
C C E7 E7
The only problem is that he's on a screen
Am Am
But he's the man of my dreams

C C E7 E7
In my head I had it all planned out
Am Am F F
a little picket fence and a house -and three dogs :P-
C C E7 E7
It's stupid
Am Am F F
My mind is not grasping that he's on paper


I guess I'll just
C C E7 E7
Hold my breath and count to ten
Am Am F F
Why do I always fall for fictional men?
C C E7 E7
My heart and mind won't seem to align
Am Am F F
'Cause I feel real things for a fake ass guy

C C E7 E7
I'm way too old to play pretend
Am Am F F
But still, I always fall for fictional men
C C E7 E7
My heart and mind won't seem to align
Am Am F F
'Cause I've fallen in love with a fictional guy

Verse 2:
C C E7 E7
The actor's cute, but he's like 33
Am Am F F
I guess that's only ten years older than me -give or take-
C C E7 E7
Maybe I'm dumb or it's just quarantine
Am Am F F
To be completely honest 2020's killing me

C C E7 E7
Come on kid, you know it kinda sucks
Am Am F F
We get it, you've been alone for like six months
C C E7 E7
But he's not real, face the facts
Am Am F F
This is a coping mechanism, clean up your act


Yeah no, I think I'm just gonna
C C E7 E7
Hold my breath and count to ten
Am Am F F
Why do I always fall for fictional men?
C C E7 E7
My heart and mind won't seem to align
Am Am F F
'Cause I feel real things for a fake ass guy

C C E7 E7
I'm way too old to play pretend
Am Am F F
But still, I always fall for fictional men
C C E7 E7
My heart and mind won't seem to align
Am Am F F
'Cause I've fallen in love with a fictional guy

C C E7 E7
Hold my breath and count to ten
Am Am F F
Why do I always fall for fictional men?
C C E7 E7
My heart and mind won't seem to align
Am Am F F
'Cause I feel real things for a fake ass guy
C C E7 E7
I'm way too old to play pretend
Am Am F F
But still, I always fall for fictional men
C C E7 E7
My heart and mind won't seem to align
Am Am
'Cause I've fallen in love
Fm Fm C C
With a fictional guy

Tabulatur von , 01 Mai 2024

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