Clouds Tabulatur von Patrice

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Am, G, F, C

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2008
Key: C, AmAkkorde
Am Am                G G               F F              C C
I wrote this letter in my head

Am Am G G F F C C
I was too spaced out for you to reach me

Am Am G G F F C C
I use to teach you not you teach me

Am Am G G F F C C
I never thought that you were gonna realized

Am Am G G F F C C
what you had inside it's now a well surprise

Am Am G G F F C C
I say my head is in the clouds

Am Am G G F F C C
I say my head is in the clouds but not to be precised.

Am Am G G F F C C
The world is turning on

Am Am G G F F C C
and some things are

Am Am G G F F C C
just the way they are, they are

Am Am G G F F C C
The world is turning on

Am Am G G F F C C
and some things are

Am Am G G F F C C
just the way they, just the way they are.

I take the best words that come to my mind
the nicest melody that I can find
I write the greatest song that I can write

Tabulatur von , 16 Aug 2010

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