Preacher Tabulatur von Onerepublic

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: F#, C#, G#, A#m

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2014
Key: C#, A#mAkkorde

F# F# C# C# G# G# A#m A#m
F# F# C# C# G# G# A#m A#m

F# F# C# C#
When I was a kid
G# G# A#m A#m
I used to buy and sell gravity
F# F# C# C#
I knew how to fly
G# G# A#m A#m
And I would teach you for a fee
F# F# C# C#
Broke every window
G# G# A#m A#m
In my hotel heart
F# F# C# C#
When I was only 5 years old
G# G# A#m A#m
but 12 years scarred
F# F# C# C#
And I'd hear the same voice
G# G# A#m A#m
Echo in my mind
F# F# C# C#
Said, "Son you got an angel,
G# G# A#m A#m
To chase the devil at night."


F# F# C# C#
When I was a kid
G# G# A#m A#m
My grandfather was a preacher
F# F# C# C#
He'd talk about God
G# G# A#m A#m
Yeah he was something like a teacher
F# F# C# C#
He said, "God only helps those
G# G# A#m A#m
Who learn to help themselves."
F# F# C# C#
He was a million miles from a million dollars
G# G# A#m A#m
But you could never spend his wealth

[Verse 2]
F# F# C# C#
I took a little faith
G# G# A#m A#m
And put it in a parking lot
F# F# C# C#
I drove to a strange town
G# G# A#m A#m
Full of "have" and "have nots"
F# F# C# C#
And as I walked through
G# G# A#m A#m
that storybook life
F# F# C# C#
I was looking for an angel
G# G# A#m A#m
to chase the devil at night

Oh! Oh! Oh!

F# F# C# C#
When I was a kid
G# G# A#m A#m
My grandfather was a preacher
F# F# C# C#
He'd talk about God
G# G# A#m A#m
Yeah he was something like a teacher
F# F# C# C#
He said, "God only helps those
G# G# A#m A#m
Who learn to help themselves."
F# F# C# C#
He was a million miles from a million dollars
G# G# A#m A#m
But you could never spend his wealth

F# F# C# C# G# G# A#m A#m
Oh! Oh! Oh!
F# F# C# C# G# G# A#m A#m
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

F# F# C# C#
G# G# A#m A#m
Put your hands up and hands down

F# F# C# C#
G# G# A#m A#m
Put your hands up and hands down

F# F# C# C#
G# G# A#m A#m
Put your hands up and hands down

F# F#~(Once) C# C#~(Once)
When I was a kid

G# G# A#m A#m
My grandfather was a preacher
F# F# C# C#
He'd talk about God
G# G# A#m A#m
Yeah he was something like a teacher
F# F# C# C#
He said, "God only helps those
G# G# A#m A#m
Who learn to help themselves."
F# F# C# C#
He was a million miles from a million dollars
G# G# A#m A#m
But you could never spend his wealth


F# F# C# C# G# G# A#m A#m
F# F# C# C# G# G# A#m A#m
F# F# C# C#
He was a million miles from a million dollars

G# G#~(Once) A#m A#m~(Once)~~~~~~~(Let ring to end)
But you could never spend his wealth.

Tabulatur von , 21 Jan 2014

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